Programming in C Language (PCL)

Duration 6 Months

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    1. Introduction and History
    2. Keywords
    3. Basic structure of C program
    4. Variables and Datatypes
    1. ASCII Introduction
    2. Arithmetic operators
    3. Relational operators
    4. Assignment operators
    5. Conditional operator
    6. Logical operators
    7. Increment & decrement operators
    8. Bitwise operators
    9. Size of operator
    10. Operators Precedence
    1. Introduction of Compiler, Linker and Loader
    2. Formatted Input and Output
    1. Conditional Statements (if, if-else, switch-case)
    2. Loop Statements (for, while, do-while)
    3. Jump statements
    1. One dimensional arrays (Declaration, Store and Access Data, Uses)
    2. Multi-dimensional arrays (Declaration, Store and Access Data, Uses)
    1. Handling String using array.
    2. Declaration and Initialization
    3. How to store string in array
    4. How to access string from array
    5. Input/Reading String
    6. Output/Display String
    7. String Librayr functions
    1. Introduction Address in Memory
    2. Pointer Operator
    3. Declare and Accessing Pointer Variable
    4. Different Types of Pointers
    5. Pointer Array
    6. Pointer Arithmetic
    7. Dynamic Memory Allocation
    1. Function Introduction
    2. Define and Call function
    3. Different ways to Define and use function with and without parameters
    4. Recursion
    5. Variable Arguments to function
    6. How to pass Array, Pointer, String to function
    7. Call by Value and Call by Reference
    8. Pointer to Function
    1. static
    2. extern
    3. auto
    4. register
    1. Understand #include, #define
    2. #if, #else, #elif, #endif, #ifdef etc.
    1. Structure Declaration, initialization and access
    2. Number of programs with Structure
    3. Nested Structure
    4. Array of Structure
    5. Pointer ot Structure
    6. How to pass and return structure to from function
    7. Union uses
    8. Enumeration uses
    1. How to create text file, function to write and read from file
    2. How to create binary file, function to wtite and read from file
    3. Number of examples to handle file.
    1. Searching
    2. Sorting
    3. LinkedList 
    4. BinarySearchTree