Programming in C Language (PCL)
Fundamentals of C
- Introduction and History
- Keywords
- Basic structure of C program
- Variables and Datatypes
- ASCII Introduction
- Arithmetic operators
- Relational operators
- Assignment operators
- Conditional operator
- Logical operators
- Increment & decrement operators
- Bitwise operators
- Size of operator
- Operators Precedence
- Introduction of Compiler, Linker and Loader
- Formatted Input and Output
Control Statements
- Conditional Statements (if, if-else, switch-case)
- Loop Statements (for, while, do-while)
- Jump statements
- One dimensional arrays (Declaration, Store and Access Data, Uses)
- Multi-dimensional arrays (Declaration, Store and Access Data, Uses)
- Handling String using array.
- Declaration and Initialization
- How to store string in array
- How to access string from array
- Input/Reading String
- Output/Display String
- String Librayr functions
- Introduction Address in Memory
- Pointer Operator
- Declare and Accessing Pointer Variable
- Different Types of Pointers
- Pointer Array
- Pointer Arithmetic
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Function Introduction
- Define and Call function
- Different ways to Define and use function with and without parameters
- Recursion
- Variable Arguments to function
- How to pass Array, Pointer, String to function
- Call by Value and Call by Reference
- Pointer to Function
Storage Classes
- static
- extern
- auto
- register
Preprocesor Directives
- Understand #include, #define
- #if, #else, #elif, #endif, #ifdef etc.
Structure Union, Enumeration and type def
- Structure Declaration, initialization and access
- Number of programs with Structure
- Nested Structure
- Array of Structure
- Pointer ot Structure
- How to pass and return structure to from function
- Union uses
- Enumeration uses
File Handling
- How to create text file, function to write and read from file
- How to create binary file, function to wtite and read from file
- Number of examples to handle file.
Basic Data Structure
- Searching
- Sorting
- LinkedList
- BinarySearchTree