FullStack Development with DSA (FastPace) - 8 Months

Duration 8 Months

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    1. Introduction to Java
    2. Data types and Operators
    3. Conditional Statement
    4. Loops (Iteration)
    5. Array
    6. Methods
    7. JDK, JVM, JIT, JRE, Compiler, Interpreter
    8. OOPs principles
    9. Class and Object implementation
    10. Constructor
    11. Inheritance
    12. Polymorphism – Method Overloading and Method Overriding
    13. Abstract class
    14. Interfaces
    15. Packages
    16. Access Specifier
    17. Modifiers (static, final )
    18. String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder classes
    19. Exception Handling
    20. I/O classes
    21. Multithreading
    22. Concurrent APIs
    23. Collection Framework (ArrayList, Hashtable, HashSet, HashMap, TreeMap, etc.)
    24. Lambda Expression
    25. Functional Interfaces
    26. Stream APIs
    27. Design Patterns (Singleton, Factory, Builder etc. )
    28. Recursion and Backtracking
    29. Sorting Algorithms
    30. Searching Algorithm
    31. Hasing
    32. String Manipulation
    33. Stack and Queue
    34. LinkedList
    35. Trees/Binary Tree/Binary Search Tree
    36. Ties
    37. Dynamic Programming
    38. Graphs
    1. Understanding HTML
    2. Introduction to HTML
    3. Web Page
    4. HTML Head Tags
    5. HTML Body Tag
    6. HTML Paragraph Spacing
    7. HTML Line Breaks
    8. HTML Non- Breaking Space
    9. HTML Header Tags
    10. HTML Text Formatting and Decoration
    11. HTML Inline Text Formatting
    12. HTML Unordered Lists
    13. HTML Ordered Lists
    14. HTML Image Insertion
    15. HTML Embedding Videos
    16. HTML Absolute vs. Relative File Referencing
    17. HTML Link Creation
    18. HTML Text Formatting
    19. HTML Decoration
    20. HTML Anchor Tags
    21. DIV and SPAN Elements
    22. HTML Tables
    23. HTML Forms
    1. Basics
    2. Variables
    3. Let vs Var
    4. Constants
    5. Primitive Type
    6. Dynamic Type
    7. Operators
    8. Control Flows (if, switch, loop)
    9. Arrays
    10. Objects
    11. Functions
    12. DOM
    13. Events
    14. Asynch JavaScript
    15. Promises
    16. Fetch API
    17. Async/Await
    1. Introduction of CSS
    2. Inline CSS
    3. Internal CSS
    4. External CSS
    5. Demo: Example of each type of CSS
    6. Selectors
    7. Element Selectors
    8. Grouping Selectors
    9. ID Attribute & ID Selectors
    10. Class Attribute & Class Selectors
    11. Bootstrap 5.0 Elements and Classes
    1. Node Introduction and its modules
    2. ExpressJ – Routing
    3. ExpressJ – HTTP Methods
    4. ExpressJ – Form Data and Database
    5. ExpressJ – Cookies and Session Handling
    6. ExpressJ – RestfulAPI
    7. ExpressJ – ErrorHandling
    8. ExpressJ – Authentication
    9. SPA Design
    10. React Overview
    11. JSX/TSX
    12. Working with Component
    13. Virtual Dom
    14. Class Components vs Functional Components
    15. React Hooks
    16. Working with Events
    17. Databinding
    18. Working with Forms & User Input
    19. Smart vs Dumb Components
    20. Rendering List & Conditional Content
    21. State vs Props
    22. Immutability
    23. HOC
    24. Styling React Component
    25. Routing
    26. HTTP Calls in React (Axios or Fetch)
    1. Create Database
    2. Colleciton
    3. Insert Record
    4. Find/Update/Delete
    5. Operators (Query, Update)
    6. Indexing
    7. Searching
    8. Validation
    1. SDLC
    2. Waterfall
    3. Agile
    4. Scrum
    1. Unit Testing Overview
    2. Test Methods
    3. Test Coverage
    4. TDD
    1. SQL Overview
    2. SQL Dialects
    3. SQL Sublanguages (DDL, DML (DQL), DCL, TCL)
    4. Understanding MySQL
    5. Introduction to Databases
    6. MySQL Creating a Database and Table
    7. MySQL Data Types
    9. Working with Tables and SQL Commands
    10. MySQL Modifying and Deleting a Table
    11. MySQL Select
    12. MySQL Distinct Keyword
    13. MySQL Where Clause
    14. MySQL And Operator
    15. MySQL Or Operator
    16. MySQL Order By
    17. MySQL Group By
    18. MySQL Insert Into
    19. MySQL Get Last ID
    20. MySQL Insert Multiple Records
    21. MySQL Delete Records
    22. MySQL Update Records
    23. MySQL Joins
    24. MySQL Views
    25. MySQL Transactions
    26. NoSQL Overview
    27. NoSQL vs SQL
    1. Understanding JDBC
    2. Introduction to JDBC
    3. Architecture of JDBC
    4. Configuring JDBC and Creating Connection to MySQL DB
    5. Implementing CRUD Operations with Statement API
    6. Implementing CRUD Operations with PreparedStatement API
    7. Creating and Executing StoredProcedures
    8. DAO Design Pattern
    1. Introduction
    2. Syntax
    3. Elements
    4. Attribues
    5. DTD
    6. Schema
    1. Servlet
    2. Different type of request GET, POST, PUT etc.
    3. filter APIs
    4. Session handling
    5. Request redirecting/dispatching
    6. JSP (Java Server Pages)
    7. Implicit object of JSP
    8. Standard tags of JSP
    9. Session handling in JSP
    10. Using JDBC with J2EE Application
    1. Ecosystem and Core
    2. Section Introduction
    3. What is Spring?
    4. Dependency Injection
    5. Spring Architecture
    6. ApplicationContext
    7. Setter Injection
    8. Constructor Injection
    9. Spring Annotations
    10. Java Configuration in Spring
    11. Implementation using Spring core uses with XML, Annotation, JavaCode
    1. AOP Overview
    2. AOP Terms
    3. AOP Annotations
    4. Demo: Before, After and
    5. Around advice
    1. Understanding Maven
    2. What is Maven
    3. Install Maven
    4. Maven Repository
    5. Local Repository
    6. Central Repository
    7. Remote Repository
    8. Maven Pom.xml
    9. Maven Web App
    10. Maven Plugin
    1. Spring Initializer
    2. SpringBoot Annotations
    3. Appplication.properties/
    4. Application.yaml
    5. Convention Over
    6. Configuration
    1. Spring MVC Architecture
    2. HTTP Lifecycle w/ Spring MVC
    3. Spring MVC Annotations
    4. Spring MVC Validation
    1. HTTP Lifecycle
    2. Annotations
    3. Get/POST/PUT Methods
    4. Error Handling
    5. Testing REST API
    1. JPA vs Hibernate
    2. JPA annotation
    3. Spring Data Architecture
    4. Spring Data Annotations
    1. Monolithic Architecture
    2. Introduction Microservices (What & Why)
    3. Miscroservice Architecture
    4. Features of Microservice Architecture
    5. Microservices vs API
    6. Registering MicroService with Eureka Server
    7. Feign REST Client
    8. Microservice with API Gateway
    9. Spring Cloud
    10. Setting up Spring Cloud Config Server
    1. Cloud
    2. Region vs Availability Zone
    3. Services overview
    4. RDS
    1. GitHub
    2. CI/CD Pipiline
    3. Docker
    4. Jenkins
    1. Recursion and Backtracking
    2. Sorting Algorithms
    3. Searching Algorithm
    4. Hasing
    5. String Manipulation
    6. Stack and Queue
    7. LinkedList
    8. Trees/Binary Tree/Binary Search Tree
    9. Ties
    10. Dynamic Programming
    11. Graphs