FullStack Development with DSA - 12 Months
Core Java
- Introduction to Java
- Data types and Operators
- Conditional Statement
- Loops (Iteration)
- Array
- Methods
- JDK, JVM, JIT, JRE, Compiler, Interpreter
- OOPs principles
- Class and Object implementation
- Constructor
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism – Method Overloading and Method Overriding
- Abstract class
- Interfaces
- Packages
- Access Specifier
- Modifiers (static, final )
- String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder classes
- Exception Handling
- I/O classes
- Multithreading
- Concurrent APIs
- Collection Framework (ArrayList, Hashtable, HashSet, HashMap, TreeMap, etc.)
- Lambda Expression
- Functional Interfaces
- Stream APIs
- Design Patterns (Singleton, Factory, Builder etc. )
- Introduction to HTML
- Web Page
- HTML Head Tags
- HTML Body Tag
- HTML Paragraph Spacing
- HTML Line Breaks
- HTML Header Tags
- HTML Text Formatting and Decoration
- HTML Inline Text Formatting
- HTML Unordered Lists
- HTML Ordered Lists
- HTML Image Insertion
- HTML Embedding Videos
- HTML Absolute vs. Relative File Referencing
- HTML Link Creation
- HTML Anchor Tags
- DIV and SPAN Elements
- HTML Tables
- HTML Forms
CSS and Bootstrap 5.0
- Introduction of CSS
- Inline CSS
- Internal CSS
- External CSS
- Selectors
- Element Selectors
- Grouping Selectors
- ID Attribute & ID Selectors
- Class Attribute & Class Selectors
- Bootstrap 5.0 Elements and Classes
- Basics
- Variables
- Let vs Var
- Constants
- Operators
- Control Flows (if, switch, loop)
- Arrays
- Objects
- Functions
- Events
- Asynch JavaScript
- Promises
- Fetch API
- Async/Await
Node, ExpressJ & ReactJS
- Node Introduction and its modules
- ExpressJ – Routing
- ExpressJ – HTTP Methods
- ExpressJ – Form Data and Database
- ExpressJ – Cookies and Session Handling
- ExpressJ – RestfulAPI
- ExpressJ – ErrorHandling
- ExpressJ – Authentication
- SPA Design
- React Overview
- Working with Component
- Virtual Dom
- Class Components vs Functional Components
- React Hooks
- Working with Events
- Databinding
- Working with Forms & User Input
- Smart vs Dumb Components
- Rendering List & Conditional Content
- State vs Props
- Immutability
- Styling React Component
- Routing
- HTTP Calls in React (Fetch)
- Create Database
- Colleciton
- Insert Record
- Find/Update/Delete
- Operators (Query, Update)
- Indexing
- Searching
- Validation
- Waterfall
- Agile
- Scrum
- Unit Testing Overview
- Test Methods
- Test Coverage
- SQL Overview
- SQL Dialects
- SQL Sublanguages (DDL, DQL, DML, DCL and TCL )
- Understanding MySQL
- Introduction to Databases
- MySQL Creating a Database and Table
- MySQL Data Types
- Working with Tables and SQL Commands
- MySQL Modifying and Deleting a Table
- MySQL Select
- MySQL Distinct Keyword
- MySQL Where Clause
- MySQL And Operator
- MySQL Or Operator
- MySQL Order By
- MySQL Group By
- MySQL Insert Into
- MySQL Insert Multiple Records
- MySQL Delete Records
- MySQL Update Records
- MySQL Joins
- MySQL Views
- MySQL Transactions
- NoSQL Overview
- NoSQL vs SQL
- Understanding JDBC
- Introduction to JDBC
- Architecture of JDBC
- Configuring JDBC and Creating Connection to MySQL DB
- Implementing CRUD Operations with Statement API
- Implementing CRUD Operations with PreparedStatement API
- Creating and Executing StoredProcedures
- DAO Design Pattern
- Introduction
- Syntax
- Elements
- Attribues
- Schema
J2EE Architecture
- Servlet
- Different type of request GET, POST, PUT etc.
- filter APIs
- Session handling
- Request redirecting/dispatching
- JSP (Java Server Pages)
- Implicit object of JSP
- Standard tags of JSP
- Session handling in JSP
- Using JDBC with J2EE Application
Spring Core
- Ecosystem and Core
- Section Introduction
- What is Spring?
- Dependency Injection
- Spring Architecture
- ApplicationContext
- Setter Injection
- Constructor Injection
- Spring Annotations
- Java Configuration in Spring
- Implementation using Spring core uses with XML, Annotation, JavaCode
Spring AOP
- AOP Overview
- AOP Terms
- AOP Annotations
- Before, After and Around Advice
- Understanding Maven
- What is Maven
- Install Maven
- Maven Repository
- Local Repository
- Central Repository
- Remote Repository
- Maven Pom.xml
- Maven Web App
- Maven Plugin
- Spring Initializer
- SpringBoot Annotations
- Appplication.properties/Appplication.yaml
- Convention Over Configuration
Spring MVC
- Spring MVC Architecture
- HTTP Lifecycle w/ Spring MVC
- Spring MVC Annotations
- Spring MVC Validation
Spring Rest API
- HTTP Lifecycle
- Annotations
- Get/POST/PUT Methods
- Error Handling
- Testing REST API
Spring Data JPA
- JPA vs Hibernate
- JPA annotation
- Spring Data Architecture
- Spring Data Annotations
Microservice Architecture
- Monolithic Architecture
- Introduction Microservices (What & Why)
- Miscroservice Architecture
- Features of Microservice Architecture
- Microservices vs API
- Registering MicroService with Eureka Server
- Feign REST Client
- Microservice with API Gateway
- Spring Cloud and Setting up Spring Cloud Config Server
- Cloud
- Region vs Availability Zone
- Services overview
- GitHub
- CI/CD Pipiline
- Docker
- Jenkins
- Recursion and Backtracking
- Sorting Algorithms
- Searching Algorithm
- Hasing
- String Manipulation
- Stack and Queue
- LinkedList
- Trees/Binary Tree/Binary Search Tree
- Ties
- Dynamic Programming
- Graphs